The Looking-Glass Challenge

See how many point you can get in a day? Now can you get more?? How about in a week?
Change the image in the looking glass with this point system, and, hey, why not find a buddy and make it a competion!
15 Points:
*no food all day*burning more than 300 calories*eight or more cups of H2O
10 Points:*300 or less calories*burning 200-300 calories*6 or 7 cups of water*commenting on five other sites
7 Points:*300-500 calories*burning 150-200 calories*4 or 5 cups of water*commenting on three sites
2 Points:
*purging on a binge
1 Point:
*resisting food*every hour of sleep*every cup of green tea*diet pills
-5 Points:
Calorie Intake:
Fasting 8 Points
001-100 7 Points
201-300 6 Points
301-400 5 Points
401-500 4 Points
500+ 1 Point
Sleep (in hours)
10-12 8 Points
08-10 6 Points
06-08 4 Points
04-06 2 Points
00-03 1 Point
Exercise (in minutes)
60+ 8 Points
45-60 6 Points
30-45 4 Points
15-30 2 Points
05-15 1 Point
none -2 Points
Water (per 0,5L)
5+ 8 Points
5 6 Points
4 5 Points
3 3 Points
2 2 Points
1 1 Point
120+ 8 Points
100-120 7 Points
080-100 6 Points
060-080 5 Points
040-060 4 Points
020-040 2 Points
000-020 1 Points